License Testing

Amateur Radio License Testing


            Be sure to have your FCC FRN with you, you can not test without it!

            New licensee’s get one here; FCC Registration


There are no new question pools going into effect in 2025.


 Next GCVARC testing session is on Jan 11, 2025


Sponsor…….Greene County Virginia Amateur Radio Club


                                                 Date………….. Jan. 11, 2025


                                                 Time…………..10AM (walk-ins welcomed)


                                                 To register for testing, call ahead;

                                                 Larry 434-981-9844 

                                                     Jim 434-760-0713

                                                    Jeff  540-308-5133

                     If no answer, leave a message. You will receive a call back.


                                                 Location……..Stanardsville Station aka “The Station” 

                                                                          126 Main St. Stanardsville, VA


                                                                          Future Test Dates;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Jan.———————-11, 2025

                                                          Mar.———————–8, 2025

                                                          May———————-10, 2025

                                                          July———————–12, 2025